If you need to talk to us urgently, our helpline (+91)-(0)484-2540530 is available, 10 AM to 7 PM, Sunday to Saturday
Befriending Services
Maithri's services are termed "Befriending" and are intended to support the caller who could be in danger of taking his/her own life. No prior appointments are required and no fees accepted. The anonymity of the person who contacted is protected.
Are you suicidal ?
Do you feel pained, my friend? Did this world cause misery to you, which you could not share with anyone around? Have you come to think that you are too tired to live on with the defeats, shame, loneliness, guilt or fear? We understand how severe your anguish must be.
Worried about someone?
If someone you know is feeling suicidal/depressed, your willingness to listen to what the person has to say - with understanding and acceptance, without being intrusive, judgmental or critical - can make the person feel better.
Since 1993
The mounting suicide rate in the early nineties of Kerala was a matter of concern for many. The Center for Health Care Research and Education, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery, organized a three-day national workshop on suicide proneness among the people of Kerala in August 1994. The workshop resolved to work towards setting up a suicide prevention center in Kochi. The search for a viable model for suicide prevention took us to Sneha, Chennai and to the Befrienders’ Movement. With the active support of Sneha, and the good wishes of numerous well-meaning friends, "Maithri", the first full-fledged suicide prevention center in Kerala became operational on June 17th, 1995. The first visit caller to the center soon made his appearance. The center was a dream come true for those who have been working towards remedial measures for the growing suicide proneness among the people of the state.
The word Maithri means ‘friendship’, friendship that we offer to the lonely, desperate and suicidal fellow beings.

Next Steps...
Come and share your sorrows with us. We want to help.