Are you happy?

The response to the question of whether you are happy is often elusive, as it depends on various factors. It's a common introspection that can sometimes lead to self-satisfaction or self-truth in the absence of a straightforward answer.

Could we, at times, ask ourselves if we are happy? What might the response be? One thing is certain; what we say may be true because others may not know. We all carry our worries, experiences, past mistakes, regrets, unfulfilled expectations, and hidden secrets. In this way, the burden of our troubles, unspoken fears, and the thoughts of others not understanding may lead to various emotions and challenges.

Sometimes, we may feel that life is unbearable, and it's beyond our capacity to endure. Could there be another way out?

Could there be a person who can listen, understand, and provide solace to those burdened with sorrow and despair? Does anyone exist who can offer hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges?

If we find such a person, could they help alleviate the weight of our troubles and offer us new paths in life? If our minds find peace after the torment of sorrow, could we discover an alternative to death?

It is possible because a typical human can overcome thoughts of self-harm or surrender in the face of adversity due to the presence of someone who listens and provides comfort.

"MAITHRI" affiliated to Befrienders World has been working for 28 years in the field of suicide prevention and says, "Sharing troubles reduces the contemplation of suicide."

Opening up about your troubles and talking about your difficulties can help you find a way to navigate life's adversities. If you believe you need a friend who can listen without judgment, support you, and maintain your secrets, then such a friend is available. One thing is certain – the number of suicides in our society can be reduced by seeking help.

Remember, it's possible. Sharing your problems can reduce the contemplation of self-harm or surrender in the face of adversity. Seek out a friend who can be there for you. Your conversations will remain confidential. You can contact them every day from 10 AM to 7 PM.

Paulson [Translated version]

ICTA campus,
Cochin - 682033
East of Metro Pillar 333
Ph: 0484 2540530

1 thought on “Are you happy?”

  1. A neat write up and effective too. Was just browsing through after reading a news article about Maithri and requirment of volunteers.

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